Friday, April 29, 2016

Ready To Dig?

Don’t have all the answers? GREAT. You are not supposed to. As a matter of fact let’s throw away the word “SUPPOSED TO” out our vocabulary. You are not supposed to be married, you aren’t supposed to have kids, and you are not supposed to be this great art of perfection. 

Every one of us has been created for a purpose. Each one of us has a different lesson that we need to learn in order to turn the key to our own vision of completeness. Intuition leads us but it's our choice to hit ignore or explore. It really kills me that so many choose to hit the ignore button on themselves! I know exactly what that’s all about and it’s a crappy, energy draining way of existing, because you are definitely not living. I know it all too well. I was there for most of my life; blaming all the bad shit that happened to me, the people in my life, and the circumstances. But that’s the thing I was looking outside instead of within. 

The truth is none of that stuff mattered. If you and I want anything in life we must be exactly what we want. That’s going to take you some deep digging within yourself. How deep are you willing to dig for your happiness/completeness?

Friday, April 1, 2016

Loose the binky, not yourself

Becoming a mother takes all that we got every day but it's not all that we are...

Motherhood: one of the greatest gifts from God.  It’s when I came to know true love. I can sit here and tell you 10,000 great things I get from being a mother. I can also tell you about 20,000 things that come with motherhood you didn’t even see coming. As women we are pressed and stretched in so many ways, you can easily forget to take care of yourself. 

When I had my first child I went back to work immediately and with the help of my mother I felt my life got back into the swing of things. You know I still went on date nights, my body bounced back, I still felt sexy and I felt I was handling this work/motherhood thing pretty well. I did every kid event under the sun with her. Five years later came my second. Mind you at this point I was not happy career wise. I started getting this feeling of “there is something more out there for me.” I honestly didn’t fully understand this feeling nor could I say screw this I am going to go be ___.  I just knew it wasn’t working anymore. But, I pushed those feelings aside once I finally got pregnant. 

I stayed home with my second. I thought it was going to be pure bliss. But come to find out its way harder than juggling the 9-5 and motherhood.  Yes, I missed being with the baby but at the same time I got to be myself for 8 hrs. It wasn’t all about the baby. That gets tricky if not careful when you decide to stay at home mom.. See I was so into my new role I lost myself. From the time I woke uptil bedtime my full focus was my family. Yes, I choose to have kids. Yes, life will never be the same once you created your army. But that doesn’t mean you stop being you. 

Reward yourself! Go buy a cute shirt. Make time for friend outings. Do a date night. Read a book. Do something that is just for you. Else you will end up like me and not realize it until you just have a meltdown because "life" just keeps happening and YOU don’t seem to be in the picture. As much as I hate leaving my kids with a babysitter I am realizing it’s healthy for everyone.  As much as I just want to stay in my sweats I must push forward to make time for some girl chat. It feeds your soul. The truth is one day our kids will be adults just like us and not need us as much and we still have to keep living…right?